European Federalism, Globalization and One World Government

Bible Scholars agree that the final world power or revived Roman Empire will rule globally. The Scripture states that the entire world worships the Beast. The Antichrist institutes his Mark worldwide. End time watchers follow developments in globalization and the New World Order.

Unfortunately, around this premise many conspiracy theories have arisen. They teach that secret societies are planning for world dominion. The Masons, the Illuminati, the Trilateral Commission, the Catholic Church, the Jewish elite, and the Bildeburgers are among the groups planning the takeover. Each theory claims to document their facts on insider’s information and sound research.

While looking for the secret society, these end-time watchers have failed to discover a European political ideological movement. This group does not operate in secret but out in the open. They have influenced the European Union’s evolution. Their teachings provide a blueprint for global rule. These individuals believe in European “federalism”-the ideological term for one-worldism. They are European federalists.

The movement began in the late 1930’s in Britain, as a solution to the World War. In this proposed solution, the US federal government’s model would govern on a worldwide scale. The “federalist papers,” which drew their inspiration from English federal thought, inspired many writers and works on the topic from 1910 onward.

In 1929, a New Europe Group proposed a European federation with a common currency, and foreign and defense policies. In 1939, the federalists published the Federalist Union Manifesto. They sought out activists by sending letters to those in the Who’s Who interested in world affairs. Federalists believe that a nation’s sovereignty is artificial, and that there can be no hope for international order while nations act independently. A writer stated that “unless we destroy the sovereign state, the sovereign state will destroy us.” Federalists envision a world order which limits national sovereignty. They insist that federal union will take the globe’s governments from the nation-state to the world-state, which would be an evolutionary advance.

The ultimate aim of federalism is world government, for they view federalism as the antithesis of totalitarianism. Supporters of federalism proposed that “the long-term aim of Federal Union remains the establishment of a world federation.”

During the early years, author and lecturer Lionel Robbins sketched the outline of a new world order. He suggested that Europe become a federation of states, consenting to limited sovereignty while pursuing a common trade policy. His proposals foreshadowed what the European Union accomplished. The formation of the European Community occurred in line with federalist thinking.

In 1944, the group established the European Union of Federalists (EUF). They associated themselves with the worldwide movement for world federal government. Today in Washington exists the headquarters of the World Federalist Association, which in 2004 became the Democratic World Federalists. This group enlists the Hollywood crowd, and is a branch of the liberal left. They embrace Mother Earth rhetoric. Environmental issues, which leaders view as a global crisis, support their argument for international law.

Federalist slogans include “Peace Through World Law,” “One Planet-One People,” and “One Earth Needs World Federation.” World Federalists seek to strengthen the UN as a prospect for world government. They applaud the EU’s endeavors. The European federalists lead the movement by enlisting political leaders and intelligentsia; in addition, they publish sophisticated journals propagating their ideology. Unlike the world federalists, their goal is that the EU acts as the cornerstone for uniting the world.

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