The Empire: Cornerstone for Uniting the World-4

THE CORNERSTONE FOR UNITING THE WORLD Bible Scholars agree that the final world power will rule globally. The Scripture states that the entire world worships the Beast and he institutes his Mark worldwide. End time watchers follow developments in globalization and the New World Order. Unfortunately, around this premise many conspiracy theories have arisen teaching … Read more

The Empire: The Antichrist-2

The Antichrist The Tribulation is a seven-year period of wars, plagues, famines, earthquakes, and disasters. It ends in the Battle of Armageddon, and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Part of the earth’s judgments happen through a leader whom the masses empower. The Scriptures profile this dictator’s reign of terror. Due to his anti-God, anti-Christ … Read more

The Empire: As was time of Noah and Lot-1

AS WAS THE TIME OF NOAH: AS WAS THE TIME OF LOT As Was the Time of Noah: Violence One-third of the Bible’s message is prophetic. History records the fulfillment of all biblical prophecies except those pertaining to the Tribulation. The “Great Tribulation” occurs within a seven-year time frame (Dan. 9:25-27). It culminates at the … Read more