Why the Whore of Babylon Rides a Red Beast



According to Revelation 17:3 the woman rides a scarlet colored beast.
So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet colored beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.
What does this signify?  To get our answer we go to Scripture and we see what scarlet means in the Bible and how it is used.
Red (Scarlet) in the Bible
Sin-Sins as scarlet
-Isaiah 1:18
Symbol of redemption, cleansing from sin
– Numbers 19:6, Leviticus 14:51
Costly prized colored material
2 Samuel 1:24; Proverbs 31:21
– Lamentations 4:5
A sign of honor and royalty
-Daniel 5:7
Lover’s lips compared to a thread of scarlet
– Song of Solomon 4:3
A symbol of powerful and mighty men-Shield of his mighty men made red, valiant men are in scarlet
Nahum 2:3
Mockery of royalty- Jesus given scarlet robe
– Matthew 27:28
War and bloodshed-The red horseman of Revelation
-Revelation 6:4

Does scarlet Beast represent the blood of the martyrs? 

 The Whore is drunk with the blood of the martyrs, and the scarlet beast would seem to represent the blood of the martyrs in its entirety but it does not, it accounts for the war that is waged on the Saints, but even more so that her sins have reached to heaven and her sins are as scarlet, which includes her deeds against the Saints. Isaiah 1:8
So the Beast and the fiery red dragon of Revelation 12 is red because of its sins but also lines with the other red representations in Scripture: the empire’s wealth, kingship, power, and honor in the eyes of the world. It also represents its military valor and is the color of unredeemed sin.
While red symbolizes unredeemed sin, the red thread used in the Temple fabrics represents the blood of Jesus, which has the power to negate unredeemed sin and make it white as snow.  Isaiah 1:9 confirms, “Thou yours sins be as scarlet they shall be white as snow”.
Thus we have symbolism in the Gospels of when the Roman soldiers mocked Jesus, by placing on him a red robe, it was also symbolic that he was now taking on the sins of the world represented by the red robe.
Matthew 27: 27-31 provides the account of the scarlet robe being put on Jesus to mock him.   More than mocking Jesus, the scarlet robe symbolized Jesus taking on Himself the sins of the world.  The passage reads:
27 Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the Praetorium and gathered the whole garrison around Him. 28 And they stripped Him and put a scarlet robe on Him. 29 When they had twisted a crown of thorns, they put it on His head, and a reed in His right hand. And they bowed the knee before Him and mocked Him, saying, “Hail, King of the Jews!” 30 Then they spat on Him, and took the reed and struck Him on the head. 31 And when they had mocked Him, they took the robe off Him, put His own clothes on Him, and led Him away to be crucified.
Notice that the robe was removed because the 2 Corinthians 5:21:
 21 For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.
The scarlet robe symbolizes Jesus being made sin, taking on our sins and the reason that the robe is discarded and Jesus then put on his own clothes is because this place of becoming sin and being numbered with the transgressors was temporary and ended when he shed his blood and resurrected to the right hand of the Father.

In conclusion the Scarlet Beast and the Whore in Scarlet is a picture of her and her sin which takes her and all who believe her teachings to eternal death. 

This is an excerpt from the free online version of my book Whore of Babylon in Bible Prophecy: A Book of Revelation Mystery Revealed
To Continue Reading see the articles below
Would you like to understand the Whore of Babylon prophecy described in Revelation 17 and 18? Why does the Whore Wear Purple and Red, and ride a Red Beast and why is her name branded on her forehead? 

The Whore of Babylon in Bible Prophecy: A book of Revelation Mystery Revealed examines this passage while revealing new details of “Mystery Babylon” along with compelling evidence of the Whore of Babylon’s identity along with her role in the Revived Roman Empire and her coming judgment.  

The book uncovers: 

Hidden details of Babylon’s origin 

How the little horn points to the Harlot and the revived Roman Empire.  
The names of blasphemy on the seven heads and their correlation to the woman riding the 7 to 8 headed Beast.  

You will also learn historical and often missed details of the Queen of Heaven, the Vatican, and the tie to the mysterious Zechariah 5 prediction and how the ten king prophecy showcases modern politics. Disclosed is overwhelming proof the city of seven hills is Rome and many other details missed by other Bible expositors. 
Scholar, Analyst, Bible Prophecy Expert, Journalist and Commentator; Erika Grey once again delivers a fact filled, information rich expose.
The above book is also for free here and you can read it chapter by chapter on my website, just follow the links.   Some of the titles have been slightly from the book but the material is the same.  

Whore of Babylon All Your Questions Answered, Free version of the Whore of Babylon in Bible Prophecy” A Book of Revelation Mystery Revealed. 

Introduction -The Whore of Babylon-All Your Questions Answered
1-The Origin of Babylon in the Bible-New Details Revealed
2-The King of Babylon is Lucifer and the Antichrist
3- Babylonian Society Old and New Judged in the Revelation
4-The Mother of Harlots in Revelation 17
5-Zechariah 5 Predicts Whore of Babylon’s Temple
6-The Little Horn of Daniel Points to Revived Roman Empire
7-The Seven Heads on the Beast of Revelation
8-City of Seven HIlls in Revelation 19:9 is Rome
9- The Vatican is the Whore of Babylon
10-Why the Whore of Babylon Wears Purple and Red
11-Why the Whore of Babylon Rides a Red Beast
12-10 Facts That Prove the Roman Empire Revived
13-Whore of Babylon’s Religion in the Revived Roman Empire
14-Daniel’s Ten Kings Predicts Modern Politics
15-The Whore of Babylon’s Coming Judgement in Revelation
16-The Whore of Babylon Vs the Bride of Christ in Revelation

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