4-The Antichrist Honors the Technology god For Good Reason

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3 The Antichrist Honors the Technology god For Good Reason Daniel 11:37-39 states of the Antichrist: 37 He shall regard neither the God[k] of his fathers nor the desire of women, nor regard any god; for he shall exalt himself above them all. 38 But in their place he shall honor a god of fortresses; and a god which his fathers … Read more

26- Is The Mark of the Beast A DNA Change?

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VIII.                    Is The Mark of the Beast A DNA Change? What we know thus far is the Antichrist will have the means to the latest technology and that an avatar, android, humanoid fits the image of the beast and the philosophy that goes with it, that the Antichrist is now immortal and man has achieved immortality.  … Read more

31- Jesus Warns of Life in the Antichrist’s Police State

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  In addressing the Ethical Assessment of Implantable Brain chips, an expert stated: The most frightening implication of this technology is the grave possibility that it would facilitate totalitarian control of humans. In a prescient projection of experimental protocols, George Annas writes of the “project to implant removable monitoring devices at the base of the … Read more