61-The Mysterious Restrainer Removed Via Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit

666,mark of the beast, number of the beast

I.                The Mysterious Restrainer Removed Via Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit The idea of the Holy Spirit blasphemed by the Antichrist during the Tribulation and his followers committing the sin by taking the mark of the Beast solves the mystery of the “restrainer removed,” passage in 2 Thessalonians 2:2-12. The verses read: 2 Now, brethren, concerning … Read more

How the Antichrist’s Popularity will be like Donald Trumps

Many people are scratching their heads over the rise of Donald Trump and how he seems to be an unstoppable train and is garnering so much support. Despite Donald Trump’s obvious narcissism, his being compared to Hitler and Mussolini, his immaturity evidenced by his lashing back viciously at anyone who criticizes him , his obvious … Read more

Antichrist and the Great Satanic Ambition

One of the key themes in end-time Bible prophecy concerns the appearance on the world stage of a nefarious world leader most often referred to as the Antichrist. This “man of sin” (2 Thess. 2:3) will arise at some point after the Rapture of the church, and will have authority over all nations during the … Read more

Islam,ISIS, Caliphate Is Not The Beast of Revelation

I happened to see a tweet by a leading prophecy expert Jack Van Impe, and he stated, “The New World Order Is Holy Jihad World War is coming. The New World Order won’t stop until we are under Muslim control. Find faith in the true GOD. HE is coming.” This is another case of a … Read more

End Time Prophecy -What is Globalization?

In end times prophecy all Bible Prophecy teachers agree that the Revelation forecasts a global, one world order ruled by the revived Roman empire that has global rule.   For this reason  globalization has caught the attention of Bible Prophecy teachers as leading to this one world order or one world system as it is sometimes … Read more